DFWMSDC – Access 2025 Business Expo
Irving Convention Center Irving, United States[…]
The Dallas Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (DFW MSDC) facilitates business connections between Buying Entity Members (corporations and public sector agencies) and certified ethnic minority-owned businesses in order to meet supply chain demands and further the economic development of our communities.
INTRODUCING two new service offerings for NON-CERTIFIED DFW MSDC MBES
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DFW MSDC certifies ethnic minority-owned businesses to be utilized by Buying Entity members in the expansion of supply chain. LEARN MORE
DFW MSDC facilitates business connections between Buying Entity members and certified ethnic minority-owned businesses. LEARN MORE
Through programs and events, DFW MSDC strengthens supplier diversity initiatives and build a scalability certified ethnic minority-owned businesses. LEARN MORE
DFW MSDC provides thought leadership to encourage minority business inclusion and equitable purchasing practices. LEARN MORE