How to Elevate Your Capability Statement

Is your capability statement getting the attention it should? These documents act as a business resume when interacting with government entities (learn more about what they are), but there are some key details you can include to elevate yours.

Adding details like your business’s value proposition, notable clients and being strategic about listing your top services will help your company stand out. Learn more about adding these details to your capability statement and why they matter.

Add a value proposition

A value proposition is who you are, what problem your company solves, and who you solve it for. It should be written in easy-to-understand language. It should give anyone reading it a clear understanding of what your company does.

When creating this, think about what your company is best at doing for your clients. What are some of the benefits or advantages that your customers receive from your services? And what are the features that you offer that the competition doesn’t? If you aren’t sure, reach out to past clients and ask for their feedback.

A value proposition is not a mission statement. Most importantly, it should clearly define the value you bring your clients compared to your competitors.

Once your value proposition is created, put it on your capability statement! Remember, this is what makes you stand out above your competition, so include it on all of your marketing materials, like your website. Use it in presentations to introduce your company or as part of your elevator pitch. Using and articulating your value proposition clearly will keep you ahead of your competition.

Add a list of current or past clients

Sometimes who you’ve worked with is just as important as the services you offer. If your company has been around a while or if you’ve worked with notable agencies or companies in your industry, include them on your capability statement. Lists are great, but if space allows, try including logos so the reader’s eye can quickly scan them. Capitalize on the brand recognition of your clients by displaying their logos. This will also help break up some of the text in the design, making it easier for the reader to catch the important details without having to read every word on the page.

Including current or past clients is an easy way to display your experience. You might also consider doing this through an infographic detailing your years in business (or experience), current projects, and a percentage of repeat clients.

Highlight your top services

Buyers want to understand what services you offer from your capability statement quickly. Don’t try to be all things to all people. Highlight what you’re best at by creating a curated list of your top services and putting them front and center on your capability statement.

Let your data tell the story. If you’re a textile company based in Houston but ship products worldwide, that’s important! But that doesn’t need to be listed in detail under your services. Use other elements of your capability statement, like your geographic reach, to tell that part of your story.

Want to know more about what to include in your capability statement? Check out our blog post about key components.

Need help putting together
your capability statement?

B2G Victory can help! Schedule a time on our Booking Calendar at the link below, and we’ll discuss what resources your business needs to achieve victory.
